The Ambition Series is The Room of flash animations. The dialogue is so convoluted and ridiculous, and characters are all unlikable, the main guy is borderline unintelligible, and despite an obscene amount of flaws, I have to continue playing it out of sheer enjoyment at the absurdity of it all.
This last part was at least better animated than others, even if Bridget still had that creepy wink. The fact that we had to defend her despite her feeling like the guilty party the whole time felt off though, and Angie's Ghost? really? Plus, the prosecutor's echo was just weird. I do like how all the previous episodes seemed to tie in here, though that was overly the case.
I hate how it's a cliffhanger though, which this being the last flash you uploaded here, and I hate how you didn't even get to make any choices. Then again, this does mean that the dialogue makes the most sense in this flash by a mile.