Review #500, to be used on an awesome cartoon.
I began watching the newest of Blockhead with pretty high expectations, seeing as how it's awesome and everything. The introduction began in the Court of Law, which wasn't be first choice, but I still figured it'd be pretty funny. Seeing Blockhead on the jury with his #1 guy foam finger was cool. I was confused as to why the prosecutor said objection as if it were a question, as it made him look pretty incompetent. If he was, than Blockhead would be doing him a favor by telling him about Exhibit A, no? Then Blockhead comes out of nowhere and throws the paper on the ground. Everyone gets confused and they go to a recess with Blockhead rolling around everywhere. I found the ending to be pretty abrupt, and was actually a little disappointed by it. It was funny, but it felt like it could've went further. Of course, that would've meant having to wait longer for his episode.
And on a side note, I never realized that the whole intro was either 1 frame, or some movie clip of sorts. Whatever it is, you can’t pause the flash during the intro, which isn’t a big deal, just something I never noticed.
Anyway, now we get to the best part, the house and the conscience. My first thought was that there was blood and stuff on the walls caused by tongs. I like how Blockhead’s always smiling at the conscience though, as I can tell it’s really annoying him. And right there are (some of?) the great Easter eggs, such as the photo of the cop and the great “F see me after class” paper. I also like the jar of nails- apparently he could sell all of them in the earlier episode. Oh well. I must say that I found the way Blockhead says “no one died” to be hilarious, like he feels that he accomplished something by not having anyone die while he went to the park.
Now, onto the way the park was structured: love it. The flashback feeling worked very well, and the hot dog in the nose was great. I also just realized that Blockhead only has 3 fingers. I can’t tell if he’s got a thumb or not. Does he? He continued to bother the conscience by picking up the phone (still improperly, which was funny), then eating it, and then redoing the flashback. I’m trying to figure out what that guy with the knife was doing in the flashback. Apparently Blockhead’s got a weird mind. Oh, and I saw the old woman again. Wasn’t going to miss that. Well, after Blockhead’s politics and water carnival.
The flash then goes to a 3rd flashback (which keep getting better as they progress), with rock-throwing, evil eyes, and the mysterious lavatory goblin (which explains the screenshot I saw earlier, even though I wouldn’t have figured it was at a park). The rainbow psychedelic part was hilarious, as it seemed like Blockhead was high or something. It made it funnier that he most likely wasn’t. You know that I can do that same eyebrow thing that the conscience does? Yep. And then the flash ended. Aw…
Oh, it didn’t, yay.
Then we get to the 4th and best flashback. A very crudely drawn portrait of Blockhead’s day was definitely funny. I love the King of Toilet Town hobo guy. The hobo comes out of blockhead’s fridge at the end, even though I don’t know how he fit in there. And then it ended, unfortunately for real this time. One last thing of note I noticed in your flashes was the inclusion of black guys. I see that so rarely in flashes, yet it makes yours seem more realistic and enjoyable to watch. I can now also say you probably have the best diverse flashes on the web now after seeing that. Well, I can’t give you a 10, seeing as how my harsh grading can’t let the intro be a 10/10 kind of intro. It was still great though, and I’ll make sure this flash doesn’t fall to 4.19 like everything else. Now to see if there are any more easter eggs I may have missed.
-wizardman, review #500.