Slightly disappointing, but awesome (~4096 chars)
Well, true to your word, you managed to churn out this episode before the end of Halloween. Since it was a Ghostmas-themed episode, I was most definitely excited for this. I’ve went too long without BH as it is. I mean, why else would I have made that soundboard? But anyway, onto my review.
First off, the cold open (which is the part before the title screen. It’s an actual term, but I’m sure you know that already). We’re starting off in a grocery, which I could tell would be funny. The first thing I notice is that you changed the outline on Blockhead, if only just for the first minute or so. Can’t say I liked it. Still, him jumping on the conveyor and having fun on that was definitely amusing, even though the outline was visibly different when he fell off. It pretty much just revolved around him putting the gum on the table and trying to anger the cashier. That in itself was a nice attempt at humor, though I can’t say it was that great. Blockhead then handed the Id to the cashier and tried to look like the guy on the ID, and that I definitely cracked up laughing at. BH actually did a pretty good job of looking like that weird guy. He continues doing his occasional snake imagery, including hitting the cashier and taking a nice bite out of the table for some reason. I am still not sure what his fascination for the destruction of property is, but oh well. And you used the Halloween theme for the title again, yay.
Now onto the actual episode, what fun. As I was saying about Blockhead’s destruction of property fetish, who exactly cleans the mess up every episode? I’ll be honest though, it seems at if you went overboard with the Conscience in this episode. It’s always hilarious to see him get pissed off, but he seemed overzealous and just too angry this time. Maybe that’s just me though. I also have to say that your animation and graphic have actually greatly improved. Everything looks more realistic in this episode it seems. The hearts on the wall were a nice touch, and they go very well with the whole idea of Ghostmas. I mean, is it not about l-l-love? Not sure how BH got stuck in the TV, but that may be better if I didn’t ask. BH can’t be too intelligent if he’s just wearing his #1 guy costume again. Or perhaps he doesn’t remember last year’s Ghostmas, since this is a different version than last year. I must say though, that was one of the least durable televisions I’ve ever seen. It was around for 15 years too . I loved how defensive he got about his costume, or his “retard uniform”. And then we get to the best part, the Ghostmas Carol.
I must say, BH isn’t that bad of a singer. He’s a little pitchy in a few spots, a couple flat notes, but he was alright. Yeah, I had to thro American Idol in my review. I’m quickly learning that Ghostmas is about spray paint (which we learned last year) and pumpkin, or throwing pumpkins at The scene with the woman who’s angry at BH actually shows off your knack for showing detail at its finest, even though there wasn’t a whole lot of it on the part where he breaks into the house. I find it amusing how the couple though BH was after drugs. I’m not sure if I care for BH’s occasional stuttering in the episode, since it seems out of character for him. For the couple, you could’ve shown some face animation when they woke up, but oh well, BH scaring them afterwards was funny. And then, we see the one thing that deep sown we were all expecting: Blockhead rowing on a skateboard; that was definitely hilarious. Then we see the muscled up cop who arrests BH. He probably enjoyed riding in the back of that police wagon for all we know. It’s funny how he’s so stupid as to say he’s going to break into some houses to a policeman. Plus, that house he was by looked pretty sweet. Oh, and I loved the Tongs Radio bumper sticker. He manages to get out, while he actually thinks he was being helpful. Hopefully he didn’t get hurt when he was run over when the flash ended.
Great graphics and sound, humor was more hit-and-miss than I would have liked. Overall not my favorite, but great.